
Tetra to present at ASME 2013 Power Conference

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Tetra will present their paper 'Design Factors For Avoiding FAC Erosion in HRSG Low Pressure Evaporators' at this years ASME Power Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Session times will be posted as soon as they are confirmed.

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ASME B31.1 Covered Piping Systems' Mandatory Requirements

ASME B31.1 Covered Piping Systems' Mandatory Requirements

Since 2007, the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code has included mandatory requirements on the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Covered Piping Systems (CPS), previously called High-Energy Piping. The main concern is that the safety of these systems is very dependent on good O&M, which justifies its inclusion in the Construction Code. There is room for flexibility depending on individual circumstances but the responsibility is squarely laid on the Operating Company.

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Tetra Presenting at the 2020 Virtual ASME Power Conference

Tetra Presenting at the 2020 Virtual ASME Power Conference

Tetra Engineering is presenting two papers at the 2020 ASME POWER Conferencewhich was scheduled to take place at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California August 3-6 but will now be a virtual conference online this year. The second paper has been written in collaboration with our partners atTG Advisers, Inc.

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Under-deposit Corrosion Presentation at ASME POWER 2014

Under-deposit Corrosion Presentation at ASME POWER 2014

At the 2014 ASME Power Conference in Baltimore, David Moelling of Tetra Engineering presented the recent research paper titled: Role of Boiling Mode and Rate in Formation of Waterside Deposits in Heat Recovery Steam Generator Evaporator Tubes, written by David Moelling and James Malloy. The paper discusses results from research in the theory of boiling mode and deposit formation, employing advanced thermal simulation of evaporation in real boiler models, and compares results with actual experiences in recent years.

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