Silent Threat: Sulfuric Acid Corrosion in Combustion and Exhaust Systems
Did you know?
Did you know sulfuric acid can silently corrode carbon steel, leading to operational setbacks and costly repairs? Sulfuric acid formation poses a significant challenge in combustion and exhaust systems, particularly in those using fuels with sulfur content.
Photo showing sulphuric acid deposits in HRSG
The Hidden Culprit
During combustion, sulfur present in the fuel—either naturally occurring or added by suppliers for odorization (e.g., mercaptan in natural gas)—undergoes chemical conversion. This process produces sulfuric acid vapors, which condense under specific conditions, forming stubborn deposits.
Why It Matters?
In coal-fired plants and many HRSGs (Heat Recovery Steam Generators) firing liquid fuels, particulates typically carry the condensed sulfuric acid out with the flue gas. However, in natural gas systems, the absence of particulates means the acid condenses onto cooler components, creating sticky, hygroscopic deposits that:
Corrode tubes and other steel surfaces
Obstruct GT flue gas flow, increasing backpressure and reducing gas turbine power output
Accumulate over time, potentially weakening steel and causing tube bursts
How can Tetra Engineering help?
At Tetra Engineering, we specialize in identifying and mitigating the root causes of deposit formation. Our fouling assessments analyze critical parameters, including:
Acid dewpoint temperature
Fuel sulfur content
Exhaust gas temperature
Boiler inlet water temperature
Using advanced thermodynamic simulation software (PPSD), combined with industrial best practices and scientific methodologies, we provide actionable solutions tailored to your system. Whether immediate cleaning is required or operational adjustments can mitigate deposit buildup, our experts are here to help.
Protect Your Operations
Safeguard your equipment, optimize system efficiency, and prevent costly downtime. Tetra Engineering'’s mission is to ensure clean boilers, seamless operations, and uninterrupted power generation.
Contact us today to learn more about our fouling assessment services and keep your systems running at peak performance!
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Why Certification Does Not Always Equal Quality? A Case Study
HRSGs and power boilers are built by assembling large numbers of components, mostly by welding. Design choices in optimizing heat transfer against overall cost lead to configurations that aim to minimize the number of welds per square meter of heat transfer surface. In addition, fabrication of the modules is frequently subcontracted by the OEM for manufacture in regions where manpower is cheaper. The OEM becomes in effect an integrator of components built by others. How can Product Quality for pressure parts be assured in that context?
Using Thermohydraulic Simulations to Assess HRSG Performance
Thermohydraulic simulations can provide detailed heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) data to help determine the root cause of failures, predict the degree of wear from various mechanisms, and assess the overall thermal efficiency of the boilers. In this article, the results obtained from three case studies are presented to show the real-world benefits obtained through thermodynamic simulations.
Under-deposit Corrosion Presentation at ASME POWER 2014
At the 2014 ASME Power Conference in Baltimore, David Moelling of Tetra Engineering presented the recent research paper titled: Role of Boiling Mode and Rate in Formation of Waterside Deposits in Heat Recovery Steam Generator Evaporator Tubes, written by David Moelling and James Malloy. The paper discusses results from research in the theory of boiling mode and deposit formation, employing advanced thermal simulation of evaporation in real boiler models, and compares results with actual experiences in recent years.