
ASME B31.1 Covered Piping Systems' Mandatory Requirements

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Since 2007, the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code has included mandatory requirements on the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Covered Piping Systems (CPS), previously called High-Energy Piping.  The main concern is that the safety of these systems is very dependent on good O&M, which justifies its inclusion in the Construction Code.  There is room for flexibility depending on individual circumstances but the responsibility is squarely laid on the Operating Company.

Requirements include that O&M procedures be available covering:

  • Design limits of piping
  • Recording of modes and hours of operation, of actual operating pressures and temperatures and of significant system excursions and transients
  • Documentation requirements for modifications, repairs and replacements
  • Documentation of maintenance on supports for piping that operates in the creep range
  • Documentation of maintenance of piping system elements
  • Assessment of degradation mechanisms which must include:
  • "creep, fatigue, graphitization, corrosion, erosion, and flow accelerated corrosion"
  • Water chemistry requirements
  • Documentation of the Condition Assessment(s) - see below
  • Any other required maintenance

The Operator is to decide the extent of the Condition Assessment depending on the piping system.  For most Combined Cycle Power Plants with high temperature steam piping this would include an assessment of all of the degradation mechanisms mentioned above and would typically include:

  • Design dimensions and operating conditions/life
  • Actual dimensional checks and actual operating conditions and hours since the last assessment, including the number and types of starts (cold, warm, hot)
  • Piping support hot and cold walk-down readings
  • Modifications and repairs since the last assessment
  • Any significant dynamic events
  • An engineering assessment of high risk areas due to relevant damage mechanisms and a suitable NDT program to mitigate risks.
  • Recommendations for future inspections

Further guidance is available in Chapter VII of the B31.1 code.

To manage these requirements, Tetra Engineering developed PipeVue 2.0 to store and organize inspection data in one easily-accessible solution, for both plant operators as well as engineers planning regular inspections.  Using a 3-D model, PipeVue keeps track of the reported condition of different piping components in the steam cycle, helping plants to achieve a ASME B31.1-compliant Power Piping Management Programme.

Tetra Engineering Software Pipevue

For more information about Pipevue click here.  F


[1] ASME B31.1-2014 Chapter VII Power Piping

[2] Frey, Joseph, High-Energy Piping Systems Are Now Covered Piping Systems, PVP2010-26069, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 2010, Bellevue, USA.

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Introducing PipeVue 2.0 KMS

Introducing PipeVue 2.0 KMS

PipeVue 2.0 was developed by Tetra Engineering to store and organize large amounts of inspection data in one network-based solution, easy accessible for both plant operators as well as engineers planning yearly inspections.

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Covered Piping System Maintenance Programme

Covered Piping System Maintenance Programme

Since 2007 the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code has included Chapter VII, establishing mandatory requirements for Operation and Maintenance. The key elements of this program are discussed here, and require that Operators outline a detailed maintenance plan for their Covered Piping Systems (CPSs). The Code also requires that operators perform regular Condition Assessments of their CPS ensuring that relevant degradation mechanisms are being covered.

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2018 CPS Piping Services for CCGT Plants

2018 CPS Piping Services for CCGT Plants

2018 CPS Piping Services for CCGT Plants Tetra Engineering Group, Inc.has assistedmany owners of natural gas-fired combined cycle plants with the development of effective Covered Piping Systems (CPS) Programs, Inspection Plans, Pipe Stress Analysis and Field NDT since the ASME adopted the new Code requirements for piping O&M in Section B31.1 Chapter VII in 2007. Tetra has developedsuch programsfor CCGT owners in the US, Canada, Mexico and the Middle East. They have been prepared for 'bubble' 2x1 design with F-class gas turbines as well as modern 1x1 fast-start units, plants with aeroderivative GTs and once-through steam generators as well as smaller units operated by municipal power companies, some of which are in cogeneration service. Based on the latest B31.1 requirements, the CPS Program Plan is tailored to meet your requirements especially regarding the scheduling of NDT inspections over multiple outages to distribute costs and meet outage budget constraints Covered Piping systems O&M Programs for CCGT Plants

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